a b o u t
h o m e / n e w s
l i s t e n
w o r d s
c r e d i t s
c o n f e r e n c e s
Game Music Connect (Legacy Site)
Screen Music Connect (Legacy Site)
c o n t a c t
© James Hannigan 2025
selected credits
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (VG; EA/WB)
Steelrising (Spiders/NACON)
The Sandman: Act III
Super Smash Bros (Additional Music; Nintendo)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (EA)
Small Gods (Discworld)
Escape to the Discworld (Documentary)
Evil Genius 2 (Soundtrack)
Dead Space 3 (EA/Visceral)
Art Academy (Nintendo)
Republic: The Revolution (Eidos)
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest (Kuji/WB)
Privateer: The Darkening (Origin/EA)
F1 (EA Sports)
Primeval (Season 3; BBC America)
Command and Conquer 4 (EA)
Freelancer (Digital Anvil/Microsoft)
Theme Park World (EA/Bullfrog Productions)
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (VG; Sony/Ubisoft Shanghai)
Evil Genius (Elixir Studios/Sierra)
Neverwhere (BBC R4)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (VG; EA/WB)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (VG; EA/WB)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (VG; EA/WB)
Alien: Sea of Sorrows
Alien: River of Pain
Alien III
Alien: Out of the Shadows
RuneScape (Jagex)
Reign of Fire (VG)
Brute Force (Microsoft)
Grand Prix 4 (Infogrames)
Dead Space 3: Awakened (EA/Visceral)
Terraria Otherworld (Re-Logic)
Stardust (BBC R4)
Warhammer (Games Workshop/Mindscape)
Call of Antia (FunPlus)
Cutthroat Island (VG)
James to score The Sandman Act II
Harry Potter (Pottermore)
The Sandman (DC/Audible)
Lost in Space (Sound Design; New Line Cinema)
Space Hulk
MoHo (Lost Toys)
Theme Park Inc. (AKA Sim Coaster; Bullfrog Productions)
Beasts and Bumpkins (Electronic Arts)
Infestation (Frontier Developments)
Flight of the Amazon Queen
EA Sports (Various)
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